Monday, May 25, 2009

Trip to the pier...

Monday afternoon we decided to take a trip down to Emerald Isle. I love going there to walk out on the pier. Okay, so yes, it does smell kinda fishy from everyone that is fishing.... but if you can get past that and make it to the end of the pier where you can go up on the 2nd level (a deck) then you will have the best view!! It is one of my favorite places. Just to feel the ocean breeze and smell that "ocean smell" It is truly a little piece of Heaven on Earth.
These are some pics from our trip.....
Kain and Kailyn decided to take a stop right when we got on the pier. I guess they wanted to see the view of the sand? heehee. They were loving watching everyone there playing football and flying kites.
This picture is so hard for me to look at. Why? because look at how big they are getting. Kailyn looks like such a big girl in this picture. No more babies around here (although, they will always be my babies!!)
Cheesin' it for the camera.
I really like this family shot of us. We are all looking at the camera!! That hardly EVER happens!
Oh, and we knew that Corey's long arms were good for something. (thanks for taking an awesome picture sweetie!!) I was studying this picture earlier and looking at how much the kids look like each of us. They have both of us in them for sure. From my nose, to Corey's eyes and chin. No denying that they are ours.... :)
Kailyn and her daddy. You know that she has him wrapped around her pinky!
Me and my baby boy. I cant let him see that I wrote "baby" on here because he would correct me and tell me that he isnt a baby, he is a big boy!!
The view from the 2nd deck....
My favorite Kailyn in the whole wide world. There is nothing that compares to having her as a daughter. Love you sweet little girl!
and.... my favorite Kain in the whole wide world!! Momma's baby and daddy's little man.

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