Monday, April 27, 2009

My babies are not babies anymore....

Just thought that I would share a recent picture of the kiddos.
I just cant believe how big they are getting!!
I will be going to register Kailyn for school on Friday.... I cant believe that she will be in Kindergarten!!
Where does time go? They just grow up WAY too fast!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Time for an Update!!

We are way overdue for an update!!
We are SO happy that spring is here.
Corey is training out in Arizona right now. He has been gone since the first week in March. We have 18 more days til he is home and we are SO excited that he will be here soon!!!
Kain has lost 3 teeth in the past week... the tooth fairy is staying busy. heehee. I have been making him say Mississippi all day... it is hilarious!! He says that he cant wait to go back to school to show all of his friends!
We are so proud of all of his accomplishments this year in school. He LOVES reading and he writes awesome stories!! He says that he is ready to be a first grader now. The school year is flying by soooo fast!!
Kailyn is counting down til July! she is ready to turn 5 and start school!! I still cant believe that my little girl will be going to school! Where has time gone? She is such a girly girl and a silly one at that. She keeps us laughing with her silly comments.
One minute she says when she grows up she wants to be a ballerina and the next minute she is telling me that she wants to be a marine like daddy.
We have been in GA the past 3 weeks enjoying our spring break from school (that is one plus going to a year round school... we get long breaks!!) We had an awesome time there being able to see family and just relax a little!!
While we were home we were able to meet Charlie. He is Corey's brothers son and we were so ready to meet him (cant believe that he will be a year in July and we are just now getting to see him!!) He is ADORABLE!! and so calm! We just love him to pieces!
As most of you already know, I had a miscarriage about 4 weeks ago... the kids took it a lot better than I thought they would. We are taking it day by day and I know that God has His plans! We know that the best is yet to come and we cant wait to find out what He has in store for us!!
I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter and is remembering why we celebrate it! He has RISEN!!! I am so thankful for what Jesus did for me.
Love and Miss you all!!
Picture Time!!!

Kain's tough face... and Kailyn rolling her eyes at him!

I think that he is telling her that she talks too much... lol.

My precious babies! I cant believe how big they are getting!!!

Getting a picture with baby Charlie! Kain and Kailyn were so happy to finally meet their cousin!!