Friday, July 18, 2008

watch out... Kain is in Kindergarten!

The backpack was packed, lunch was packed, Kain was ready to go and mom was crying. That is what was going on at or house Wednesday morning.
"bye mom, I love you"
Those were the last words that I heard before I turned to leave my "little" boy at school. He was so excited. All the kids in Kindergarten had to wear red on the first day and he was very happy about that because it is his favorite color!
When we picked him up he said "I love this place, they have a playground!!!!" and then asked "can I go again tomorrow" Little does he know that this is just the beginning.... one day he will be saying "do I have to go?!?!?"
His teachers are very nice and we are looking forward to a great year with them!!!!

Kailyn turns 4

Words cant describe the excitement that Corey and I felt when we found out that we were having a little girl.....

The Dr said the due date is Sept 9. But little miss Kailyn had a plan of her own. She showed her beautiful face on July 18 instead. At 32 weeks she was perfect. Tiny fingers, tiny toes and the cutest little nose that I have ever seen. Looking at her now you would never know that she was a 3 pound baby!

She is such a blessing to us. Having Kain before her, we really didnt know what to expect with a little girl. We call her a "girly girl" She is always playing dress up and babies. And she has her own "fashion taste"

We cant help but laugh when she comes out of the bedroom dressed in high heels, a princess dress, a scarf, ballcap, and every piece of play jewerly that she owns.... :)

She is mommy's baby and daddy's girl.

She amazes us more and more everyday with what she is learning and doing. She is mommy's big helper. She always wants to be in the kitchen helping or putting away the clothes.

And I forgot to mention that we sometimes call her "grace" not because she has it but because she lacks it. She is constantly running into something or tripping and falling..... but she gets right back up almost like "I meant to do that" she looks as us wondering what we are laughing at.

She says that she wants to be a princess when she grows up. You and I both know that she isnt going to be a princess, but she will always be "our" princess. We thank God for her daily. We know that God has a will for her and we pray that with his strength and guidance that we will be able to bring her up in a Christian home where she learns about the love of God.

We love you so much babygirl!
-daddy and mommy