Friday, November 28, 2008

Pillow Fort

The kids decided that they wanted to show Papa, Nana and Aunt Erin how we build pillow forts. (this includes EVERY pillow in the house) They had so much fun. Afterwards we had to have a pillow fight....
In this first picture, you can't even see Nana, but she is under all the pillows!!
My beautiful Kailyn, she was hiding under the pillows. She was pretending like it was a cave and she was a baby jaguar

Doing what Kailyn does best.... pouting!

"Hey Kain, lets make it bigger!!"

Playing outside...

Here are some pictures of the kiddos enjoying their time outside. The past few days, we have had nice (cool) weather instead of cold, so they have been able to get out and play. Kain decided that he was going to cover Kailyn in the pine straw.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for all my family and friends. There are times that I find myself wondering where I would be without them all. Good friends are few and far between, so be thankful for those that you have. I know that I am. Just take a moment today and just thank God for everything that you have been blessed with and remember how fortunate we are. I hope that you all are having a Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe... and dont eat too much! haha!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


A little elf called me on Thursday and told me that Santa was in a deep sleep and that if the kids wanted to get gifts from Santa this year, all the elves needed helping waking him up!!
They informed me that the event would be Friday night and that he had to be awake by 6:30.
So off to Jacksonville we went to help wake up Santa! And let me tell you, he WAS in a deep sleep. There were kids EVERYWHERE yelling for him to wake up and ringing bells and he was still sleeping!!

FINALLY!!! After about 15 minutes of calling his name, and yelling "WAKE UP SANTA!!!" he sat up in his bed!! the kids were all screaming and clapping!! We are going to get presents!!!! Santa is awake!
Kain and Kailyn were excited to be able to help the elf wake up Santa! Here they are pictured with the one that they enjoyed the most, he was a great juggler! The kids were impressed!

Waiting in line to see Santa, so we thought that we would get a picture by all the pretty poinsettias. They were beautiful!

Silly faces with the elves while sitting on Santa's bed!

And finally SANTA!!! Kain informed Santa that he wants ALL the Star War toys and Kailyn asked for a Strawberry Shortcake doll and a Barbie dollhouse.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Auburn/ Georgia Game

I really didnt even want to watch this game after the season that Auburn is having. I thought that it would for sure be a HuGe Bulldog victory. BUT!! it was a close game! I am proud of how my boys played! 17-13 Georgia only beat us by 4 points. I was honestly thinking like 27-0 or something like that.

WAR EAGLE!! hoping for a better season next year! now, I have to get through the Auburn/ Alabama game.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I just need to vent....

I know that we have no control over our children being sick. I know that Kain is exposed to more germs now that he is in school rather than being home with me all day, but enough is enough.
Kain was out of school all last week with strep and fever. He went back to school on Monday and here we are today, Wednesday throwing up. I called the school to speak with his teacher and she said that last week when Kain was out of school with strep that there were other children out with a stomach virus.
He is so pitiful laying over there with no energy. I feel awful for him. I dont want him missing any more school since he has missed a total of 7 days now, but what can I do? He cant go to school throwing up.
Sorry that this is a vent but it is hard watching him be sick and there is nothing that I can do. Praying that we will be over this soon so that he will be back to school and praying that we dont miss anymore days.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

Please remember to thank a vet. Thank you to all of those who have served and are currently serving.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The dryer?

Dont worry.... playing in the dryer isnt something that we do daily. For some reason Kain insisted on getting in the dryer to take pictures. I honestly didnt think that he would fit, but he was DETERMINED to get in there to take this picture. And... monkey see, monkey do. Kailyn just had to have her pic made in there too. So, here are pics to proove that my big 6 year old can fit in my dryer.... heehee!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gingerbread House

Today we decided that we would make a ginderbread house.

Corey doing his part... the icing.
The kids had so much fun decorating with all the candy.

There is nothing better than a childs laughter. They were so proud of their house that they helped make.

The finished product.... as you can see in the pic, there was a crack in the wall, but we made the best of it. Now, the kids are ready to eat all the candy.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A day on the Ferry...

The ferry that we have here is so much fun! We are used to the 5-10 minute ride on the ferry in New Orleans. This one is a good 25-30 minutes. The kids LOVED it! And the best part... It is FrEe! So, last weekend, we got out took a ride over to Minesott Beach and then came back home. It was a GrEaT time! Here is a pic of the kids. Kain was pretending he was the captain.
Kids and their imagination.... gotta love it!

Young Love... haha!

I had to share a pic of Kain and his "girlfriend" Emerson. They are just adorable. He came home one day and this was the conversation.... "Mom, my friend Jaylin told me that I have to ask you before I can marry Emerson, soooo Can I marry her, PLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!"
I was shocked. I guess that he has his first case of "puppy love"
This is his fav pic of them!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

War Eagle...

Okay, So I know that this isnt the best year to be an Auburn fan... We are not doing so well in the "winning" department, but I wanted to share some pics with yall of the kiddos in their Auburn gear....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama

This is our new president. I must say that I am a little shocked. There are some that say they are scared. Well, I am not scared because I know that God is in control. My God is bigger than any president. No matter who is in the White House, God is still my God. He protects me and my family.

I pray that God will be with Obama during his term. And I also pray that God will soften my heart towards him so that maybe I can understand his ways more that I do right now.

I have faith and I am leaning on that. All that I can do now is pray and the power of prayer is amazing.

Election Day!!

I hope that you all got out there and voted, wether you were an early voter or voted today... I hope that you prayed about who you were voting for. As for us... We voted pro God, pro life, pro america! McCain/Palin!!! I am at peace with my choice because I have spent a lot of time praying about it. :)

We are spending this rainy day indoors... Kain and Kailyn are both sick. (fever, strep throat, vomiting, and rash from head to toe... want to come help me. haha!)

Hope that you all got out there and VOTED!!! It is your duty!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's November!

Wow! The month of October flew by!! We had a busy month. Welcoming Corey back home from California, Kain's birthday, my birthday.... Fall parties at school and Hallelujah Night at church.

Hallelujah Night was SO much fun!! Kailyn won a YuMmY cake at the cake walk. The kids got lots of candy! And they loved the face painting (Kailyn got a butterfly and Kain got a pumpkin)

We are looking forward to an eventful November as well!! Family will be coming to visit us for Thanksgiving and we are looking forward to it. Last time everyone was here, we had just moved into the house, so everything wasnt put together yet.... I look forward to them being able to see at least some pics on the walls and curtains hanging. ha!

Still dont have the photo program on here yet, maybe I will be feeling better tomorrow and will work on that (I am coughing and Kailyn has a fever, so I am not sure what we have, but we are praying that it will go as fast as it came!)

I hope that you are all doing well! We love you all!!!