Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Once again.... behind!

I think that we as humans, need to slow down every once in awhile. I feel like we are go, go, go all the time. I often wonder if my friends think that I no longer care about them because I dont call or maybe they just think that we have fallen off the face of the Earth. Which ever it is that they think, I hope that I will be able to slow down a little and show them that I care about them and just how thankful I am that God has put them in my life.

Things are great here in NC!! We are really liking the "cooler" weather. (it was quite chilly today) Wondering if we will get snow this winter. The kids would LOVE that! The trees are beautiful, the air is crisp, the pumpkins are carved... it is FALL. How could anyone not like this weather. It feels great to bring out the warmer clothes... the light jackets....and to put the flip flops in the back of the closet. It has been awhile since we have been able to enjoy seasons since we were living in Louisiana the past 3 years or so (seems like it was always warm there) We are enjoying every minute of it.

We will be having Thanksgiving at our house this year, we are looking forward to everyone coming!! It is going to be nice to be able to sit and relax with family. We are planning on going home for Christmas, but only for a short trip (4 days) Corey's Christmas leave is going to be in January this year. Cant wait to see everyone!

So, my sweetest boy, Kain turned 6 a couple of weeks ago... I CANT believe it. He was just a baby! It really makes me sad to think about how fast the years go by. He is so independent now.... doing REALLY well in school and he is more and more like his dad everyday. He loves helping Corey out with "projects" I think that Corey really enjoys him and the little man that he is becoming.

I am so sorry that I am not putting up any pics, but my old laptop DIED!! So, I have this new one, but I dont have my photo program on here yet to download pics off of my camera. I will work on that... i promise. I know that there are a few of you out there that check this a lot looking for pics of Kain and Kailyn... they are coming (mom) I promise!

I hope that everyone out there is doing well, I just wanted to let you all know that we are okay here. I am going to try to do better at keeping in touch with everyone! Love you all! ((hugs))