Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ultrasound 2/16

This is the ultrasound picture from 2-16-09. The little ones are measuring right on track. I am now 7 weeks pregnant. Baby A heartrate was 149 and Baby B was 131. They are measuing 7.9mm (sooooo tiny!!)
I should have another ultrasound in about 3 weeks. I cant wait to see how much they will have changed by then.
We are very happy to be so blessed! Kailyn ask EVERYDAY how many more days until the babies are here. She is SO ready to be a "big" sister. It is so sweet to hear Kain and Kailyn pray for the babies and they also pray that the babies will be nice to mommy and stop making her belly hurt. So thoughtful!
As for the sickness- it is tough to deal with. I just pray that it will be over soon. The doctor said that since my hormone levels are higher with twins, that sickness is to be expected. I am fine in the mornings, but afternoons and nights are really hard for me.
Well, that is our baby update. Thank you all for your prayers during this time. They are appreciated. We love and miss you all!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We are pregnant....

So, I havent updated in awhile.... and what better way to update than to let everyone know that we are expecting TWINS!!! My due date is October 6, but the doctor says that the little ones will be here in September.

Kain and Kailyn are so excited! Kailyn says that there is a boy and a girl. We shall see :) Kain just keeps talking about being the "big brother" to 2 babies! And Kain also came up with our show name (if we ever decide to do one... heehee) Bel and Cor plus 4!! what can I say? We watch way too much Jon and Kate plus 8!!!

There is a lot of planning that is going to have to take place over the next few months. We plan on getting an early start on the diaper buying! heehee. Luckily, I have a few friends that are moms to twins... so I am sure that I will be asking LOTS of questions!

This is the ultrasound pic from last week. I will have another one on the 16th and will post it as soon as I can.

We are so excited! Your thoughts and prayers through this process are appreciated! We cant wait til our precious babies are here!!!